Cumberlands Q & A

Get an inside look into the Cumberlands experience from those who know it best. The students.

10 sec
Student ambassadors answer questions about faith and academic curriculum.
UC, it's a faith based institution. So you're required to take two faith based classes ,so six credit hours. Most people just take intro to New Testament and intro to Old Testament, but there are plenty other options as well.
How does Cumberlands apply faith into its curriculum?
12 sec
Student ambassadors discuss what it is like being a graduate student on campus.
Being a graduate student at UC is awesome. I literally love it. Even though the classes are in an online format, I still learn so much and if I ever have any questions, my professors always give me timely feedback.
What is it like being a graduate student?
20 sec
Student ambassadors answer questions about being a commuter student on campus.
Life as a computer student. It's pretty much the exact same as being on campus, except for two main differences. The first difference being you don't live on campus, so you're going to have to drive here. And the second difference is that you don't get the three swipes a day on the meal plan, but you are allowed to pay cash or card on the dining services and you can even upload Patriot Bucks onto your student I.D.
What is life like as a commuter student?
12 sec
Student ambassadors answer questions about internship opportunities.
Yes, there are many opportunities on and off campus. You just got to make sure you talk to your professor and show your enthusiasm to get these opportunities and they will connect you to the right people.
Are there internship opportunities on and around campus?
14 sec
Student ambassadors answer questions about getting a parking pass for campus.
So we have this building called Park Building, and you will go there with your driver's license, your license plate, and then the information about the car, and you will get your parking pass and you can park with it anywhere on campus.
How do I get a parking pass?
15 sec
Student ambassadors answer questions community service on campus.
Yes, community service is required. We need 40 hours to graduate and we have something called UC Engage, which provides community service hours each semester. And we have a lot of different opportunities offered on campus.
Is community service required and what community service is available?
12 sec
Student ambassadors answer questions about parking on campus.
So we have two different kinds of parking lots. We have the red line parking lots and the white line parking lots and the red line parking lots are for staff members only and to white line parking spots are for all the students.
What are the different types of parking lots and colored spaces for?
12 sec
Students answer questions about embracing diversity on campus.
Biggest thing they do is just get everybody involved. You know, it makes everything feel at home, you know? Just from different races and different cultures, you know, wherever you step foot on campus, you know, it just makes you feel truly loved.
How does Cumberlands embrace diversity on campus?