Commencement - May 3 & 4

Plan for your visit to campus to celebrate your graduate. All event details are located HERE

Strategy is the name of the game if businesses want to succeed. That’s why the Hutton School of Business at University of the Cumberlands recently added a strategic marketing concentration to its bachelor's degree offerings. The program includes classes that prepare students for business certification exams. By the look of things, the students are off to a strong start.

As part of the strategic marketing concentration, students are required to take an advertising course. (The class also serves as an elective for students pursuing a business administration concentration.) Those in the most recent advertising class recently took a Google Analytics IQ certification exam – and had a 100 percent passing rate.

“We in the department are very proud of them,” said Dr. Vonda Moore, professor and former director of the graduate business school at Cumberlands. “It’s an exciting process, seeing students dive into a new class and watching those students shine. It’s encouraging knowing they are already better equipped for their careers because of what they’re learning in class.”

Besides advertising, students in the Hutton School of Business also learn key information and skills in the fields of services marketing, consumer behavior, market research, and social media. These courses are in addition to classes in foundational concepts like accounting, economics, statistics, legality, and business ethics.

Strategic marketing is not the only concentration available for those seeking business degrees; business majors may also choose a concentration in finance, retail marketing, or business administration. All concentrations include the same foundational business courses as well as 18 credit hours in classes tailored specifically to the concentration.

Registration for the second bi-term at Cumberlands is now open. Classes begin on March 1 with March 9 being the final day students may register for classes. Visit to start an application.

University of the Cumberlands offers undergraduate business programs both in-seat and online as well as having strong online graduate programs at one of the lowest price points in the nation. To learn more about Cumberlands’ business programs, visit