Today's college students are busier than ever. Between studying, work, extra-curricular activities, and family obligations, it can be difficult to set aside time for anything else. As a result, the most important things often fall by the wayside. Many students find that, despite attending Christ-centered universities and studying scripture on a regular basis, that they don't actually take the time to pray or otherwise integrate faith into their daily routine.

How do you practice your faith when you're busy? It can be tough to fit in prayer, scripture reading, and church attendance when you're always on the go. It can be even harder to feel grateful in the midst of such a busy schedule. Your balance for practicing your faith is important. If this is difficult for you too, consider implementing the following six strategies:

1. Keep Your Bible and Prayer Journal Nearby

Bibles and prayers are essential tools for your journey as a Christian. These items should always be easily accessible so that you can record your prayers or read Bible passages whenever you have a moment free. If possible, consider placing a miniature Bible in your purse or downloading a Bible or worship app on your phone. When you're stuck in line or in a waiting room, ditch Facebook and read your Bible instead. Who knows, it might even remind you to have patience and be grateful for the slow-down in your routine.

2. Schedule Time for Prayer

Whether you use a planner or a smartphone app to block out time for work, school, and other necessities, you should also set aside a specific time each day for prayer. This time should be written in your planner or recorded in your phone, ideally with an alarm to remind you that it's time to begin. By scheduling time for prayer, you are telling yourself that it is an important part of your day. Conversely, a lackadaisical approach to worship will allow you to justify if you consistently forget to pray.

3. Join a Prayer Group

If you find it difficult to hold yourself accountable, consider establishing a prayer group or joining an existing one. This group can commit to addressing a variety of concerns, including current events and issues in the members' personal lives. By praying together, the members of your group will forge close connections, which can prove helpful when the going gets tough. If joining an in-person worship group proves difficult, consider joining an online group. Many forums and chat rooms are available for Christians on the search for like-minded individuals committed to regular worship. The online version can often prove to be more convenient for busy schedules.

4. Make a Commitment to Pray With Your Roommate or Significant Other

Another great way to build accountability into your routine is to commit to a daily prayer session with your roommate, significant other, or friend. This worship session does not have to be long; five to ten minutes right when you wake up and before you go to bed. Praying with a roommate is the perfect way to strengthen your relationship with each other and with God. Likewise, your relationship with your girlfriend, boyfriend, fiancé, or spouse will benefit greatly from shared prayer sessions.

5. Practice Your Faith at Work

Juggling work and school is a struggle in and of itself, so adding prayer into the mix may seem impossible. Additionally, while other students at a Christ-centered university are bound to respond enthusiastically to worship, it may be of a more sensitive topic in the workplace. However, it is possible to let your faith guide your actions at work. As stated in Peter 4:10, ‘Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms’. Think carefully about how your everyday duties can help you serve Christ, and strive to always be a good example of His love.

6. Remember to Pray Before Meals

One of the easiest ways to incorporate prayer into your routine is to make a habit of praying whenever you eat. You can do this even if those eating with you choose to abstain from a pre-meal blessing. Simply pause before eating to thank God for the meal you are about to consume, while also recognizing the hard work of all those who made your meal possible.

Incorporating your faith into everyday life does not have to be a challenge. It merely requires a commitment to strengthening your relationship with God. No two Christians practice their faith in exactly the same manner, so find a routine that works for you -- and stick to it.

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