Dr. Jan Tucker teaches undergraduate, graduate and doctoral business courses in Management, HR, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Finance, Strategic Management, Research and Design and similar disciplines. She has previous experience as a Human Resources consultant for several Fortune 500 companies. Her research interests include the integration of technology in education, disruptive innovation in higher education and competency-based education. Dr. Tucker earned a PhD in Business Management from Northcentral University, an MBA from Florida Institute of Technology and a BA degree in Psychology from Auburn University. She currently resides in Tampa, Florida. 

PhD Business Administration, Northcentral University, 2008
Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Florida Institute of Technology, 1991
BA Psychology, Auburn University, 1987

Tucker, Jan & Belcher. T. (2021). Technology as a catalyst to facilitate connections in the online classroom.  Journal of Business & Technology 3(5), 1-8.  ISSN: 2331-5032.

Neely, P. & Tucker, J. (2021). Higher education: What we should have learned from 2020. International Journal of Advanced Educational Research 6(2), 8-10. ISSN: 2433-6157.

Tucker, J., & Belcher, T. (2020). Can technology be the link to bridge the gap between student/faculty well-being and engagement? International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies, 2(2), 13-16. ISSN: 2664-8652.

Tucker, J. & Belcher, T. (2020 October 26). Building social connections from a distance. In Proceedings of SITE Interactive Online 2020 Conference (pp. 536-538). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/218209/.  

Tucker, J. & Au, A. (2019 August). Reframing the marketing strategy for online education. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 11(3), 176-186. ISSN: 2076-9202.

Au, A. & Tucker, J. (2018). Blue ocean strategy for microenterprises. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 10(2), 92-98. ISSN: 2076-9202.

Recent Presentations: 
Tucker, J. & Belcher T. (2021 February 3). Well-being and engagement: Tips for students, staff, and faculty. Connecting: Student Engagement Despite COVID-19 Online Conference. February 3-4, 2021.

Tucker, J. & Belcher, T. (2020 October 28). Building social connections from a distance. SITE Interactive Online Conference: October 26-28, 2020. Best Practices or Demo Teaching. Paper ID: 57992

Paludi, M., Gualco, D., Martinez, J., & Tucker, J. (2020 October 19).  Webinar: Change Management. Excelsior College SHRM presentation.

Belcher, T. & Tucker, J. (2019 April 16). Using technology to enhance faculty/student connection in the online classroom: A catalyst to improving student success. 24th Annual TCC Online Conference: April 16-18, Kona, Hawaii.

Belcher T., Neely, P. & Tucker, J.  (2017 April 19). Preparing to use open education resources: Practical considerations. 22nd TCC Online Conference: Changing to Learn, Learning to Change, April 18-20, Kona, Hawaii.

  • Higher Education
  • Leadership



