My name is John Alie Conteh and currently live in Columbus, Ohio. My general interests are: International Counseling, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies, Psychological Assessment, Trauma Counseling, Graduate Student Development, and Immigrant/Refugee Counseling Concerns.  

EdD Counselor Education and Supervision, Argosy University, Washington DC (On Campus), 2013
MS Community Counseling, University of Rochester, 2004
BA Geography/Linguistics/Education, Njala University, University of Sierra Leone, 2000

International Counseling, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies, Psychological Assessment, Trauma Counseling, Graduate Student Development, Immigrant/Refugee Counseling Concerns  

  • Conteh, J. A. (In-Process). Phenomenological Inquiry of Lived Experiences of Resilience Among African Immigrant Healthcare Providers During COVID-19: Implications for Counseling Immigrant Healthcare Providers. IRB# 07118. 
  • Price, B., Conteh, J. A., & Esliker, R. (2019). Development and validation of the Krio version of the WHOQOL-BREF for use in Sierra Leone. SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine. doi:10.1007/s42399-019-00181-3
  • Conteh, J. A., Mariska, A., & Huber, M. J. (2018). An examination and validation of personal counseling and its impact on self-efficacy for counselors-in-training. Journal of Counselor Practice, 9, 109–138. doi: 10.22229/jac902111.(R)
  • Akinsulure-Smith, A. M., & Conteh, J. A. (2018). The emergence of counseling in Sierra Leone. Journal of Counseling & Development, 96, 327– 334. doi: 10.1002/jcad.12206. (R)
  • Stone, D. A., Conteh, J. A., & Francis J. D. (2017). Therapeutic factors and psychological concepts in Alcoholics Anonymous. Journal of Counselor Practice, 8, 120–136. doi:10.22229/nav074629.(R) (*page numbering error in online publication at
  • Conteh, J. A., Huber, M. J., & Bashir, H. A. (2017). Examining the relationship between traumatic  experiences and posttraumatic growth among counselors-in-training. The Practitioner Scholar: Journal of Counseling and Professional Psychology, 6, 32– 46. (R)


