Register for Classes

Get started with classes at Cumberlands during our second bi-term of the fall semester. Last day to register for classes is October 29.

Dr. Michalina Hendon is a passionate computer enthusiast with a keen interest in the interaction between users and technology. As a determined problem solver, she constantly seeks out innovative approaches to harness technology for seamless information dissemination and lifestyle enhancement. With over a decade of experience in Higher Education, Dr. Hendon has dedicated her expertise to teaching Information Technology courses while, and for the last few years providing ethical oversight in research endeavors.

Outside of her professional endeavors, Dr. Hendon cherishes her time with loved ones, including her family, her beloved English bulldog, and friends. She also devotes time to engaging in research activities, research ethics, and staying abreast of the latest technological advancements and trends. Through her multifaceted pursuits, Dr. Hendon remains committed to harnessing the power of technology ethically to enhance the lives of individuals and society as a whole.

Ph.D. Business Management, Information Technology Management, Capella University
MBA, Information Technology, American Military University
BS Business Administration- Alvernia University

Hendon, M., Powell, L., & Wimmer, H. (2017). Emotional intelligence and communication levels in information technology professionals. Computers in Human Behavior, 71(Supplement C), 165-171. doi: https://

Powell, L. M., Rebman, C. M., Abdula, C., & Hendon, M. (2019). Web Accessible Adoption of Instructional Website, Application and Online Material Development. International Journal of E- Adoption (IJEA), 11(2), 41-46. doi:10.4018/IJEA.2019070104

Hendon, M, & Powell, L. (2020) Activity Based Learning for Cloud Computing. Journal of Computer Sciences in Colleges 35(8), 176-185

Henodon, M. & O'Connor, M. (2020) Combatting COVID-19 Information Technology Stress: A Framework of Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence Strategies. National Association of Business, Economics, and Technology (NABET) Conference

Powell, L., Swartz, J. & Hendon, M. (2021). Awareness of Mobile Device Security and Data Privacy: Evaluation of Tools and Applications. Issues in Information Systems.

Powell, L. Hendon, M., Mangle, A., & Wimmer, H. (2021). Awareness of blockchain usage, structure, & generation of platform's energy consumption: Working towards a greener blockchain. Issues in Information Systems.

Powell, L., Powell, D, & Hendon, M. (2022). Sentimental Analysis of Teaching Virtually During COVID-19: What is Not Missed from a Tradition Teaching Setting? The PAECT Educational Technology Research Journal. 5(1).

Fernandez, K., Hendon, M., & Powell, L. (2022). Academic perspectives on the importance of emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior: Insights for IT leadership programs. Issues in Information Systems, 23(1).

Powell, L. Swartz, J. & Hendon, M. (2021). The mobility open blockchain initiative: Customers, technology, identity, competition & future trends. In Handbook of Research on Blockchain-Enabled Privacy and Access Control. IGI Global Publishing (p. 777-781). Hershey, PA

  • Human and Computer Interaction
  • Big Data


