Written by Sarah Shelley | Content Development Specialist

Dorenbos' mind-bending magic tricks coupled with his inspiring life story have riveted audiences around the globe.

Do you believe in magic? You might after seeing Jon Dorenbos. His mind-bending magic tricks coupled with his inspiring life story have riveted audiences around the globe.

Dorenbos will be the speaker at University of the Cumberlands’ annual Excellence in Leadership Series event, sponsored by the Forcht Group of Kentucky, on Tuesday, March 26th, at 7 p.m. The event will be held in the O. Wayne Rollins Center (large gymnasium). Tickets are free but are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginning Tuesday, February 27, community members may reserve tickets at https://webservices.ucumberlands.edu/tickets/ 

“We look forward to welcoming Jon Dorenbos onto campus and enjoying not only his on-stage performance, but also the impactful message he brings,” said Dr. Larry L. Cockrum, president of University of the Cumberlands. “His humor, enthusiasm, and hard-earned optimistic approach to life are sure to leave the audience feeling encouraged, reflective, and motivated to pursue an abundant life.”

As a former long snapper in the National Football League, plus a finalist on America’s Got Talent and America’s Got Talent: The Champions, Jon Dorenbos doesn’t shy away from high-pressure situations; he thrives in them. His life growing up – especially during his teenage years – was no picnic, but the lessons he learned through the process shaped his mentality, giving him not only the perseverance to achieve success in his own life but also the ability to uniquely relate to and motivate people across the U.S. and around the world.

Dorenbos’ goal is to inspire, entertain, and impact anyone and everyone he interacts with. As he integrates his powerful personal story with transformative life lessons, throwing in jokes and impressive card tricks for good measure, his performance offers a memorable experience that’ll last a lifetime.

Keynote speakers are invited to Cumberlands’ campus annually, offering impactful messages to Cumberlands students and the general community as a way to instill integral leadership values. The Excellence in Leadership Series has hosted noteworthy leaders representing a variety of careers and life experiences over the years, providing a diverse array of valuable lessons and experiences. Former keynote speakers include Mel Robbins, Drew Brees, Laila Ali, Terry Bradshaw, Shaquille O’Neal, and others.