Written by Sarah Shelley | Content Development Specialist

Rankings on niche.com are based on reviews and information submitted by Niche users rather than provided by colleges.

University of the Cumberlands has been listed among the top schools in the country in a number of rankings by Niche. The rankings list Cumberlands as being in the…

… top 6 percent of safest colleges,

… top 15 percent of best college dorms,

… top 20 percent of best college food, and

… top 23 percent of best college campuses nationwide.

Niche is a team based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Rankings on niche.com are based on reviews and information submitted by Niche users rather than provided by colleges in the site’s database to help the site present more authentic data to prospective students and parents. Niche compiles data from U.S. colleges, schools, neighborhoods, and companies with the goal of people find the right places for them. More than 50 million people used Niche in 2019, and more than 200,000 in-depth profiles on schools, companies, and neighborhoods can be found on their website.

Niche’s ranking lists rated Cumberlands’ on-campus undergraduate experience. In the past year, the online programs at the University have also ranked highly. Numerous sites have ranked Cumberlands’ online master’s degree programs as being some of the most affordable and highest-quality in the nation. Online graduate programs in criminal justice, business, accounting, psychology, and education in particular have made lists compiled by U.S. News & World Report, College Consensus, Great Value Colleges, Study.com, Online Schools Report, Intelligent.com, and others.