Cumberlands Q & A

Get an inside look into the Cumberlands experience from those who know it best. The students.

12 sec
Scholarships are available for study abroad and our students can tell you more.
So scholarships will usually open up in early spring and stay open until later in the year. And you will email Julie Dreyrup and she will send you an application that will tell you of all your requirements.
When can you apply for a Study Abroad scholarship?
16 sec
A Cumberlands student explains how to get involved with study abroad.
There are a couple of different ways that you can get involved with study abroad. For one, your professors are probably going on a trip. So, talk to your professors, see if they mention anything in class, but also the UC study abroad page on our Instagram.(...) Super helpful and you can find out all the trips on there.
How do I get involved with study abroad?
12 sec
A student explains what majors are required to study abroad at Cumberlands.
You do not have to have a certain major to study abroad on campus. Even though some of the professors from the missions and ministries department or the art department go on those trips, that doesn't mean that you have to be part of that major. We welcome all.
What major is required for study abroad?
10 sec
A Cumberlands student explains when students can begin their study abroad experience.
Honestly, anytime, whether you're a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior,(...) I would recommend going on study abroad anytime, maybe go multiple times. That's what I did.
When can you go on study abroad?
14 sec
A student talks about having a passport to study abroad.
You will need a passport. You can get the application for your passport on the USPS website and then you can schedule an appointment at your local post office, which we have one here in Williamsburg that you can do, and you can get your passport photo taken there.
Do you need a passport to study abroad?