Cumberlands Q & A
Get an inside look into the Cumberlands experience from those who know it best. The students.
18 sec

How do I get a student I.D. card? To get an I.D. card is really easy. All you have to do is go to the office of College Student Affairs, located on the top floor of the building Boswell Campus Center, and you're just going to go in there and they're going to take your picture, and soon after that, they're going to give you your card.
That's all you have to do.
That's all you have to do.
How do I get a student ID card?
16 sec

Summer orientation is a one day event where first year students get to come to the university and meet with fellow classmates, different clubs and departments as well as receive exclusive Cumberlands apparel. During summer orientation you learn the ins and outs of Cumberlands and receive great information. We can't wait to see there.
What does summer orientation involve?
28 sec

Our first priority is the health and safety of our students and facilities. For this reason, we don't allow things that can cause a fire such as toasters, air fryers, candles, heating pads. Also, the only animals allowed on campus are those who are approved service animals and emotional support animals. UC, does not allow alcohol, drugs or weapons of any kinds.
To see a full list. Please check out our what to Bring list on the housing portal.
To see a full list. Please check out our what to Bring list on the housing portal.
What items are not allowed in the residence halls?
24 sec

Students who live on campus receive a variety of benefits, including a full service meal plan, full coverage on all utilities maintenance, internet access and free laundry facilities. Not to mention you're within walking distance of all of your classes. With rising prices on food, transportation and housing, living on campus will definitely save you money over the course of your college career.
What are some pros to living on campus?
22 sec

Health and safety inspections or HSIs for short are conducted by your resident life staff. Every other week we check for things like trash, properly stored food, properly stored laundry, fire alarms, windows, window screens and room accessibility. If you have any questions, will be glad to answer those when you get here and we will let you know when they happen at the beginning of each semester.
What are health and safety inspections?
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So depending on room size and availability, each student will be assigned to a room with either one or two roommates. Triple rooms when three students share a space are more common in first year halls, but are less common than double rooms. Each student will receive a key to their room and will share the space. Our residence halls that you see vary in size, ranging from 80 to 300 students.
How many students share a room, and how many students are in each residence hall?
25 sec

So open House is what we call our visiting hours in our residence halls. Open House is a designated time every evening where guests of the opposite gender can visit each other's dorm rooms. Overnight. Guests of college age are welcome to stay with residential students as well, with approval in advance by the Housing Residence Life Office. If you have any more questions, a full description of the policies regarding Open House and overnight guests can be found on the residents Life section of the UC Student Handbook.
What are the rules about visitors in the residence halls?
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So each student gets their own dresser, either a wardrobe an open clothes hanging area, a desk, a chair, and an adjustable twin sized bed.
What kind of furniture do residence hall rooms include?